Rachelle Ellington
Performance StrategistEPMS
Rachelle began her career in the multifamily industry, starting onsite. After an excellent record in asset financials and team development, she was provided the opportunity to serve as a Regional Training Manager. During the last 6 years, her skills have been successful in evaluating the needs of learning content, course design and facilitation on all platforms. Rachelle is also a Certified Development Dimensions International Facilitator (DDI).
Rachelle joined the Ellis team in 2019 as a Performance Strategist for the Resident Survey Program. Her vast experience and skills dealing with internal and external customers, including how onsite performance can impact business results, allows her to aid our clients in developing action plans that lead to loyal customers and employees.
Rachelle grew up in New Mexico, where she attended the University of New Mexico and Eastern New Mexico University.
Fun facts about Rachelle
- Rachelle lives in Austin with her husband and two dogs, her two Golden Retrievers Dallas and Annie
- She enjoys healthy cooking, home improvement projects with her husband, and having fun with her nieces and nephews
- She is a very talented Sawdust and Art Functional Fluid artist. Visit her website: Rachelle Ellington
What people are saying about Rachelle
- "Loved the speaker and clarity of the subject."
- "I like that she gives detailed points on how to succeed."
- "I could really relate to her presentation because she broke it down like telling a story."
- "Has real-life property management experience, so she actually knows what we are going through on the front lines!"
- "Rachelle is informative and fun!"
Past Events
Get a Bigger Bang – With Your Mystery Shops!
Thursday October, 06
1:00pm - 1:30pm
Get a Bigger Bang – With Your Mystery Shops!
Thursday October, 06
1:00pm - 1:30pm